Well, after three+ years of making a go at rp in SL based around Firefly, it's time for me to throw in the towel. I've been RPing at Nomos now long enough to know I want to RP in a larger community than I've been able to find or assemble in the Firefly areas. Almost two weeks and I'm having fun at Nomos, so... it's with some regret I'm packing up Nack and all of the rest of my FFRP and putting them away on a shelf with other fond memories of things gone past.
It's been a distinct pleasure to know you folks, and I'll still be running Firefly's on Friday nights. Firefly's isn't and never has been about RP.
Farewell from Nack, Raids, Ravish, Savage, Jayne, Pillage, Tarlek, and many others I don't care to name.